All Athletic Events Cancelled

With the closure of schools due to the COVID-19, the difficult decision has been made to cancel all elementary athletic events for the remainder of the school year.

Many academic program heads and educational leaders have been working diligently to create remote learning opportunities and resources for students to learn from home while we all adjust to the current physical distancing environment, and when students do return to the classroom, learning will remain the primary focus. With academics as the ultimate priority, the athletic programs typically offered will be cancelled for the remainder of the school year. A list of planned events being cancelled has been provided below.

Due to the open-endedness of school closures, the hope is that some level of physically active intramural programming can be introduced at a school level when students return to school. The hope is that everyone will remain safe and healthy as we navigate these uncertain times together.

Cancelled Athletic Events:

  • Folk Dance Festivals
  • Ultimate Frisbee Festival
  • School Track & Field Meets
  • Intermediate Soccer Tournaments
  • Cross Country Meets
  • Regional Track & Field Meets
  • Junior 3-Pitch Tournaments